10th Science Important questions
Ln 1 - Laws of Motion
1.Define Inertia
2.Classify the types of force based on their applications
3.Differentiate mass and weight
4. State the principle of moments
5.State newton's second law
6.What are the types of inertia with examples
7.State newton's law of motion
8.Deduce the equation of a force using newton's second law of motion
9.State and prove the law of conservation of linear momentum
10. Describe rocket propulsion
11.State the law of gravitation and derive the mathematical equation.
12.Define linear momentum (2m)
Ln-2 - Optics (V.V.important lesson)
1.What is refractive Index
2.State snell's law
3.Draw a ray diagram to show the image formed by a convex lens when the object is placed between F and 2F
4.Define dispersion of light
5.State rayleigh's law of scattering
6.Differentiate convex and concave lens
7.What is the power of accommodation of eye
8.What are the causes of myopia
9.Why does the sky appear in blue colour
10.Why are traffic signals red in colour
Booking importants
11.Uses of simple microscope
12.advantages of Telescope
13.Applications of Convex and concave lens
4,7 marks
1.List any five properties of light
2.Differentiate myopia and hypermetropia
3.Explain the construction and working of a compound microscope
Ln- 3 - Thermal physics
1.Define one calorie
2.Distinguish between linear ,areal and superficial expansion
3.What is coefficient of cubical expansion
4.State boyle's law
5.Distinguish between ideal and real gas
6.What is coefficient of real expansion
Booking Importance
7. Three fundamental laws of gases
8. State Avogadro’s law and number
9. In which Condition the real gases behaves as Ideal gases. Explain
7.Derive the ideal gas equation
8.Explain the experiment of measuring the real and apparent expansion of a liquid with a neat diagram
Ln - 4 - Electricity (V.V.important lesson)
1.Define the unit of current
2.Name any two devices which are working on the heating effect on the electric current
3. Define electric potential and potential difference
4.State ohm's law
5. What are the advantages/merits of LED TV and LED bulbs?
Book in Importance
1.Joule’s law of heating
2.Example for conductor and insulator
3.Name the various Symbols - Ground Connection,Resistor, LED, A diode
4,7 Marks
5.With the help of a circuit diagram derive the formula for the resultant resistance of three
Resistances : a. in series and b.in parallel
6.a.what is meant by electric current
b.name and define its unit
c.which instrument is used to measure the electric current how should it be connected in a circuit
7. State joule's law of heating and various applications
8.Explain about domestic electric circuits circuit diagram not required
Ln - 5 - Acoustics
1.What is a longitudinal wave
2.What is the audible range of frequency
3.What is the minimum distance needed for an echo
4.Name three animals which can hear ultrasonic vibrations
5.Why does an empty vessel produce more sound that a filled one
6.Air temperature in the rajasthan desert can reach 46*C.What is the velocity of sound in air at that temperature. vo=331 ms-1
7.Explain why the ceiling of concert halls are curved.
8.Mention two cases in which there is no doppler effect in sound?
Bookin questions:
1. Write about ultra vibration and ultrasonic waves
2. Applications of echo
3. Applications of Doppler effect
4,7 marks
9.What are the factors that affect the speed of sound in gases?
10.What is meant by reflection of sound ?
11.What is an echo?
a.State two conditions necessary for hearing an echo
b.What are the medical applications of echo?
c.How can you calculate the speed of sound using echo?
Ln - 6 -Nuclear Physics
2 Marks
1.Who discovered natural radioactivity?
2.Give the SI unit of radioactivity.
3.Write any three features of natural and artificial radioactivity
4. State Soddy and Fajan’s displacement law
5. Give any two uses of radioisotopes in the field of agriculture?
Bookin Questions:
1.Features of Nuclear fission and fusion
2. Uranium decay, find the number of neutrons in daughter elements
4,7 Marks
6. Compare the properties of alpha beta and gamma radiation
7.What is a nuclear reactor? Explain its essential parts with their functions
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