10th Social (GEOGRAPHY) - Important Questions(2,5,8 marks)

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  10th Social Science - Public materials

10th Social (GEOGRAPHY)- Important Questions(2,5,8 marks) 

➤ 10th Social (GEOGRAPHY)- Important Questions(2,5,8 marks)



  1. Name the neighbouring countries of India.
  2. Give the importance of IST.
  3. Write a short note on Deccan Plateau.
  4. Write a brief note on the island group of Lakshadweep.

  1. What are ‘jet streams’?
  2. Write a short note on ‘Monsoon wind’.
  3. What is ‘burst of monsoon’?
  4. Name the areas which receive heavy rainfall.

UNIT - 3

  1. Name the types of soil found in India.
  2. State any two characteristics of black cotton soil.
  3. Define Agriculture.
  4. Name the seasons of agriculture in India?
  5. What do you mean by livestock?

  1. State the uses of magnesium.
  2. What is natural gas?
  3. Name the different types of coal with their carbon content.
  4. Name the important oil producing regions of India.

  1. What is migration?and state its type.
  2. Write any 4 advantages of railways.
  3. Define “International Trade”.
  4. State a merits of roadways.

  1. State the boundaries of Tamil Nadu.
  2. What is ‘Teri’?
  3. How is coastal plain formed?
  4. Name the major islands of Tamil Nadu.
  5. Define : Disaster Risk Reduction.

  1. Explain the cropping seasons of tamilnadu.
  2. Why is Coimbatore called the manchester of tamilnadu?
  3. Name the multipurpose projects of tamilnadu.
  4. List out the air ports and sea ports of tamilnadu.

(5,8 marks)


Importance of himalayas

Southwest Monsoon

soil (8m)

Multipurpose projects

intensive and plantation farming


plateau Region



Plantation Farming of TN

Water resources

mineral Distribution


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