12th Bio - Botany Important Questions - 1

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  12th Bio - Botany (CHAP 1-5 ) Important Questions

  • XII Bio - Botany (CHAP 1-5 ) Important Questions - 👇scroll down
  • XII Bio - Botany (CHAP 6-10) Important Questions - click here

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- 1

1.Define diaspores(2)*

2. What is epiphyllous buds(2)**

3. Define between Grafting and layering(4,5)**

4. Explain the process and types of microsporogenesis(6)***

5. Structure of T.S of mature Anther(7)***

6. Write the functions of Tapetum(8)***

7. Difference between Intine and Exine(8)*

8. What is Polenkit ? (9)**

9. Explain the structure of Ovule(10)***

10. Write the types of ovules(10)**

11. Structure of Embryo Sac(12)**

12. Write the Characteristics of Anemophilous flowers(15)**

13. Define Cantharophily,Mellitophilly(17)***

14. Write the Characteristics of Entornoptilaes flowers(17)***

15. Explain the Pollination in Salvia(17)* 

16. Explain the events of fertilisation (18)*

17. Entry of Pollen Tube into the Ovule (19)***

18. Write and Explain the types and functions of Endosperm(21)**

19. Explain the structure of Monocot and dicot seed(22,23)**

20. Define Apomixis(24)**

21. What is Polyembryony?(24)**

22. Explain Parthenocarpy?(25)***


                        (B.B - 25,28,34,37)

- 2

1.Difference between Discontinuous and continuous variations (32)***

2. Write the Importance of Variation (32)*

3. How/why Mendet was successful in his Experiment (32)***

4. Why Mendet choose pea plant for his Experiment?(32)***

5. Seven characters of pea plant (34)**

6. Define Alleles (34)*

7. Explain law of dominance (35)**

8. Explain Monohybrid cross (35)*

7. What is Test Cross (36)***

8. What is Black cross? (37)***

9. Explain Dihybrid cross (37)** and Dihybrid Test cross (39) 

10. Gene interaction (40)**

11. Difference between Incomplete Dominance and codominance(41)**

12. What is a lethal gene? (42)**

13. What is pleiotropy? (42)***

14. Explain Dominant Epistasis (42)***

15. Explain cytoplasmic inheritance and chloroplast inheritance (45)***

16. Define Atavism (46)*

                               (B.B -28) 

Chapter - 3

1.Salient features of Sutton and Boveri concept/theory (51)**

2. Difference between Mendelian factors and chromosome behaviour (51)**

3. What is coupling and repulsion? (52)**

4. Difference between complete and Incomplete linkage(54)**

5. Difference between Linkage and crossing over (54)***

6. Explain the Mechanism of 6 crossing over and types of Synopsis (54)***

7. Incomplete of crossing over (55)***

8. Define Gene Mapping and uses of Genetic Mapping (56)***

9. Define Multiple Alleles and write their Characteristics (56)***

10. Explain Self-sterility in Nicotiana (56)*

11. Define mutation and types (58)**

12. Draw the flowchart of classification of ploidy (61)***

13. Explain man-made cereal triticale (63)**

14. Write the significance of ploidy (64)**

Chapter - 4

1.Define zymology (69)*

2. What are secondary metabolites? (70)**

3. What is SCP and its application? (70)***

4. Steps involved in Recombinant DNA Technology (71)**

5. What are restriction enzymes ? (72)**

6. What are vectors?(74)*

7. What do you know about PBR 322 plasmid?(75)***

8. Write a note on Ti Plasmid Bacteria (75)*

9. Write a note on Gel Electrophoresis (79)*

10. Write a note on ELISA (79)*

11. Explain the types of Blotting techniques (79)***

12. Write the advantages of Herbicide Tolerant crops (83)**

13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of BT cotton (83)**

14. GM - Food - Benefits and risks (84,85)**

15. What is bio Pharming? (85)*

16. Explain Bioremediation (85)**

17. Write the applications of Biotechnology (88)***

                             (B.B - 18,21) 

Chapter - 5 

1.What are the Basic concepts of plant tissue culture?(97)***

2. Explain the technique involved in PTC (98)***

3. Define Cybrid (100)**

4. Explain Cell Suspension culture (100)**

5. What is Somatic Embryogenesis? Applications(102)***

6. Write the applications of PTC (102)***

7. Difference between somaclonal and Gametoclonal variations (100)**

8. What are Artificial seeds ? Write it's advantages (103)**

9. What is Germplasm conservation (103)*

10. Write about Cryopreservation (103)**

11. Write a note on patenis (104)*

12. Write a note on Future of Biotechnology (105)*

                           (B.B - 20)

  • XII Bio - Botany (CHAP 1-10 ) Important Questions - CLICK HERE


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