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 12th all Subject Guides


UNIT - 1

3MARKS - Brief Answer

1.Describe the features and techniques of animation.

2. Write roles and responsibilities of Production team members.

3. Describe the various file formats in multimedia 

UNIT - 2

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.What is PageMaker? Explain its uses.

2.How do you rejoin split blocks?

3.What is the use of Master Page?

UNIT - 3

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Explain on Evolution of DBMS

2. List any 5 privileges available in MySQL for the User

3. Write few commands used by DBA to control the entire database

UNIT - 4 

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Write the features of server side scripting language

2.In how many ways you can embed PHP code in an HTML page? 

3. Write short notes on PHP operator

UNIT - 5 

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Write the features of built-in Functions

2. Explain Indexed array and Associate array in PHP

UNIT - 6 

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Write the features Conditional Statements in PHP

2.Differentiate Switch and if else statement

UNIT - 7

3 marks :. Brief answers

1.Write the features Looping Structure

2.Differentiate For each and While loop

UNIT - 8 

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Write the features Form Handling. 

2. Write the purpose Get method and Post methof

UNIT - 9

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Write is the purpose of MySQLi function available

UNIT - 10

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.What is meant by artificial Intelligence?

2.List out some benefits of social networks

3.How computer networks are money saving?

UNIT - 11

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.List out the components of a RFID enabled system

2. What are the layers available in TCP/IP Reference Model?

UNIT - 12 

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Write a note on DNS.

2. Differentiate IPv4 and IPv6

3.What are the differences between Absolute URL and Relative URL?

UNIT - 13 

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Write a note on crossover cables

2.What is meant by null modem cable?

UNIT - 14 

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.What are the uses of Open source Network Software?

2.What are the main functional areas of Open NMS?

UNIT - 15

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Explain B2B module in E-Commerce

2.Write a note on physical product dispute of E-Commerce

UNIT - 16

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Define micro electronic payment and its role in E-Commerce

2.Explain briefly Anatomy of a credit 


3.Briefly explain the stored value card 

and its types.

4. What is electronic fund transfer?

UNIT - 17 

3 marks : Brief Answers

1.Write a note on certification authorities (CA)

2.Write a note on PGP

3.Explain 3D secure payment protocols

UNIT - 18

3 mark : Brief Answers

1.Write a short note on EDI

2.Write a note on EDIFACT message

3. Write about EDIFACT separators

12th CA (3 marks)



12th COMPUTER APPLICATION (2marks) - Click here

12th COMPUTER APPLICATION (3marks) - Click here

12th COMPUTER APPLICATION (5marks) - Click here


  CLASS 12 All SUBJECTS unit wise Important Questions  -  CLICK HERE

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